03 October 2009


The problem with tagging is that one get tagged to something he has least knowledge / interest.

I am tagged by Madhu to list my Top 5 Brand names.

Peter England shirts, Ray Ban glasses, Fast track gears, Reebok Shoes & Denim jeans... That would be the one most of the teenagers would say.

But my most favorite brands aren't those. In fact i dont remember the brands of the gadgets i buy and end up in buying different brands each time.

Inspite of my 'short term memory' i do use some 'Branded' stuffs & i doubt whether you guys would recognize those brands...

Here is the list... lets see how many guys match with my taste ;)

1. Apsara Beauty Pencils - Extra Dark

I fell in love with it since my 6th grade, when i started Pencil sketching classes. Since then i have used many sort of pencils ranging from 2H to HB pencils of 'camlin', Natraj, etc...
None of them are match for this beautiful dark piece of graphite which leave a 'lively' trace on paper.
Be it free hand sketch or Engineering Drawing, this is the best for all sorts!

2. Colgate Toothpaste

This is the first thing i taste everyday ;) I never used any other brand i think!

3. Adyar Ananda Bhavan Sweets.

Yummy... Just the name of it creates appetite! I love all varieties of sweets there especially, the malai peda and laddus!
The purasaiwalkam branch was near to my home & i never miss to drop by it to have sweets! They sell almost everything related to sweets i guess!!! People of TN, check it out!

4. Olympus camera

This is one thing i really wish to have. I saw it for the first time in my school & from then on i used to track every model of it. They are the best (IMO) for Natural Photography and hope i'll buy one soon. As soon as i buy one, i'll post my first snaps here ;)

5. Titan Sonata

I like it for a number of reasons., 1. It is robust, 2. It is well designed & the quality is awesome, 3. It is worth the money & more importantly it requires less care / maintenance which is the 'must-needed' criteria for lazy freaks like me.

Thats it... BTW, guys i am going to a place where i will hardly get a chance to come online ;(

So i'll be outta this world for some time... catcha later ;)


Anonymous said...

lol..they r the general brands we use da!innovative though!! lol. Thanks for don the tag.I feel valued..:P To which jungle are u off to?

Black Light said...

The jungle is called as ASHOK LEYLAND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT CENTER & i am supposed to be here for the next few months i guess ;(

Rauf said...

good one.. the best brand tag i've read.. i cud totally relate.. of course.. namma ellarume local thane..